KAIZEN: 5 Tips to Boost your Fitness Routine

KAIZEN: 5 Tips to Boost your Fitness Routine
Summer is just around the corner, finally! And you know what that means? It’s time to get your summer body prepped, pampered, healthy and fit for the beach season. But, aside from looking good and aesthetics (although our watches are pleasing to the eye) the benefits of fitness towards your health are huge. Some of these health benefits include: increased mobility, clarity of mind, higher energy, improved rest and an ability to gain more nutrition through an enlarged appetite. If you are one of the ones who set yourself a New Years resolution to improve your fitness and are still going strong with your routine then now is the time to flaunt your gains. Congratulations to you guys for sticking to your resolutions, it is great for us to see you truly going for Gold this year! For those of you who would like to improve your fitness, start a new regime or become more dedicated to improving your body, KANE has you covered with our newest “5 Tips” feature. This week we are sharing 5 suggestions to boost your fitness routine, as we believe it is equally important to look and feel great.
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” - John F. Kennedy


Let’s begin our 5 Tip feature with a simple action that anyone can take, walking or riding a bike to work. Our 5 Tip articles are all about how to hack life and ultimately your time. If you are really looking to do both at once, walking or biking instead of driving lets you exercise while commuting. Obviously this is slightly dependent on how far your school or place of business is from where you live, but making small adjustments to your commute makes it possible to accommodate walking into your journey. Doing this on a daily basis will get you in better shape, give you time to clear your mind and also to plan the most essential tasks coming up later on that day. Furthermore, you will also become way friendlier to our planet and who doesn’t want that, ey?


The increasing popularity of HIIT workouts is due to a reason – they work! Short, intense and highly effective, HIIT workouts are ideal for saving time while increasing your fitness. This form of training involves short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with shorter recovery periods. Basically you max yourself out during each individual set to a point where your body is exhausted. A KANE watch will keep you on time while HIIT will enable you to complete a usual 1 hour workout in just 20 minutes, saving you the thing you crave most, time.


Did you know, humans can only survive without water for about three to four days? We can even go without food for more than three weeks highlighting the importance of staying hydrated. 60% of the adult body is constituted of water and every living cell in your body requires it to keep functioning. In terms of fitness, staying hydrated prior and during a workout is critical in maximizing your sessions while preventing fatigue and improving overall endurance. If you lack water your performance will suffer and the time you took to venture out to the gym will have been a waste of it. The longevity of your fitness results will be hindered and therefore fewer calories will be burned. For all you “hard-gainers” out there, if you do not hydrate properly, your muscles will release water into your bloodstream to accommodate for the loss due to poor fluid consumption and excessive sweating, killing your gains! Keep hydrated, especially now that warmer months are on the way.


Changing your routine Is essential to maximizing your time while boosting your fitness. As you read in our second tip about HIIT, adopting a new approach to exercise such as calisthenics will give you different results, helping to develop different aspects of your body. Calisthenics is a form of exercises that at KANE we are pretty fond of. The word itself comes from the Greek word “kallos” (beauty) and “sthenos” meaning strength. When performed in a continuous, rigorous fashion, calisthenics train up your strength and aerobic capacity and the best part is that you can perform this workout in the 15mins you have in the morning. Like HIIT we love calisthenics because it enables you to hack time while boosting your fitness routine.


“Flow is critical for peak performance: to really be able to react to the feedback you’re getting, you need enhanced focus. Flow is also essential for peak experience: to participate fully in every moment, you need to be fully there, in it.” – UVU Club
As you know, a KANE timepiece is inspired by the essentialist movement in Tokyo. Our watches are clean, simple and essential to make sure that your focus is on the thing that really matters, your time. The same principles can be applied to any aspect of your life, such as fitness. Therefore, finding a state of “flow” where we lose perception of time by becoming fully immersed in what we are doing is vital in getting the best results. Allocate time for your session, put your head down and make sure everyone around you knows you are here to work. No messing around!
P.S. We think that our Milanese mesh straps are the most functional to wear while boosting your fitness game. The straps are fully water and sweat resistant. The mesh links that give the straps a cool texture are joined together effortlessly meaning they sit softly and comfortably on your wrist. The best part is that if you feel like changing your full outfit once your workout is completed you can change your watch strap too with our quick-release interchangeable feature. Now you really don't have any excuses to skip the gym! 
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Keep it Clean. Simple. Essential

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